Events March 2019 in La Morra
- Everyday Guided visit to the center of the village
On booking, ask to the tourist office to have a free tour with the volunteers to discovers the monuments and curiosities of La Morra.
Departure from the tourist office.
For more information and booking +39 0173.500344 o
- On demand possibility to : Taste, smell and see
Truffle excursion with Marco Varaldo tel. 335.5800143
Visit the Mulino Sobrino wheat mill and discover their organic flours tel. 0173.50118
Visit the biscuit laboratory of Giovanni Cogno (tel. 0173.509192)
- Sunday 3 Charity lunch for San Martino church
Fritto misto alla piemontese con antipasto e dolce € 30 / for 3 10 years € 23
At 12:30 inside comunal hall piazza Vittorio Emanuele
Book to Montanaro Marisa 340.0807985 before the 27th of febbrary
- Saturday 9 “ Come and Clean the world”
At 8:00 in piazzale Monera we wait for you with gloves and yellow gilet
- Sunday 17 Alpini lunch
to Fornace headquarters.
- Sunday 17 Meeting auto 500
The cars will stay in piazza Vittorio Emanuele from 11:00 to 4pm
- Thursday 21 Presentation poetry book by Silvio Viberti
Proposed by club Unesco to circolo ‘L Brich in frazione Santa Maria of La Morra at 9pm.
- Sunday 31 Orchidee per l’Unicef
Protezione civile sells orchidee for Unicef. You can find them after mess at 9:45 in frazione Santa Maria , at 10:45 in frazione Annunziata , and at 11:45 in frazione Rivalta and in the center of the village in front of San Martino church at 11:45.
- Until April Antonella Tavella exhibition
To the exhibition room of Cantina Comunale di La Morra
Open everyday 10-12:30 and 14:30-18:30. Closed on Tuesday.
Ufficio turistico La Morra – piazza Martiri, 1 – La Morra
Tel. +39 0173.500344