Extraordinary Fabrizio de Andrè tribute concert with the group ‘La piccola orchestra Sand Creek’. Thanks to the success of the event in 2022, Piazza Martiri, La Morra’s Unesco heritage belvedere, will come alive on Friday 16 June on the notes of one of Italy’s best-loved singer-songwriters.
The musicians, a line-up of no less than eight elements, will continue to explore the extensive discography of the Genoese singer-songwriter, with each track giving us images of the past linked to emotions that are always strongly present.
Paolo Cerrato will be the director and narrator of Fabrizio De André’s life story, without forgetting the anecdotes that link the singer-songwriter to La Morra.
It is only right, in line with the spirit of charity that this concert continues to promote, to donate part of the proceeds to support those in need. Never before have we felt as close as we do now to the people and communities in Emilia Romagna hard hit by the floods.
Cost of participation: free offer to support the communities of Emilia Romagna
Meeting point: Piazza Martiri – La Morra
(parking available in Piazza Monera)
Time: from 21:30
Duration: approx. 2h
In case of bad weather the concert will be moved inside the Salone polivalente in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele
For info and reservations
info@lamorraturismo.it – 0173500344
seats available – priority will be given to those who book